Leadership, Possession, Ministry

Junior's Strategy
JDM's strategy to fulfill its vision is three-fold:

(1) Leadership JDM strategizes to fulfill its vision by developing and installing capable spiritual leaders in the church; America first, then the nations. This will be accomplished primarily through the establishment of a revolving leadership training center. Trainees will be developed and equipped over a set time period, then resourced and commissioned.

(2) Possession of high places JDM strategizes to fulfill its vision by equipping ordinary Christians to possess the high places of leadership and authority within their vocational field. This mobilization and ascension of Christian commoners in society will result in the possession of cities, regions, and nations. The equipping will be accomplished through the leadership training center, itinerant ministry projects, and various communication outlets.

(3) Various ministry activities JDM strategizes to fulfill its vision through a wide variety of ministry activities: itinerant ministry, retreats/conferences, literature publications, email/internet, short-term missions, audio and video recordings, and any and every other endeavor faciliatory to JDM's vision.

In his own words:
"Everything starts at the top, the head. Over and over Scripture hails the sheer power of leadership. Therefore, my scheme to realize God's global glory through an Isaiah 2:2-church is to aim for the top. I'm impassioned to develop and set capable Christian leaders that will run with this vision. Since this requires more than just church leaders, I'm just as impassioned to equip ordinary lay Christians to excel in their vocational field so that they assume the highest leadership positions within that field. With capable spiritual leaders in the church, and godly Christians in the driver seat of every societal sector, we will see an Isaiah 2:2-church and God's global glory!"

Visit Junior Desouza Ministries

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